March 1, 8, 22, 29
Meetings # 3,807+ contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to speak at or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

March 15
Special International Women’s Day Speaker
Founding Mothers Movement
Meeting #3,809 - Rev. Laura M. George, J.D., Executive Director
Oracle Institute
The Peace Pentagon

“Our purpose is two-fold: Empower Women and End War. It is that simple.
The evolutionary impulse supports an upgrade to the human experiment.
Unless we collectively progress into a future that works for ALL, we will lose civilization.
We are determined to do what has NEVER been done before. We are uniting people around the globe to shift the paradigm. We the People possess the consciousness and technology to attain what our ancestors could not achieve: Partnership and Peace. Solving the other issues of the polycrisis will then be possible, including protecting our precious planet and ensuring ethical AI.

Pregnant Earth
Our first task is to build a planetary coalition for Partnership and Peace. Our second goal is to grow our global Women’s Congress and publish the Founding Mothers Proclamation. Then in 2025, the Founding Mothers will commence international, nonviolent campaigns to accomplish our humanitarian objectives.

Throughout this journey together, we will demonstrate courage, wisdom, persistence, and patience. We will trust our partners and maintain faith that our cause is virtuous and for the benefit of ALL.”
