January 18
Communism and Capitalism— A Case Study
Meeting # 3,801 -  socioeconomic analysis by Eric Mao
The speaker states "​Instead of talking on general terms, let's look at a real-life example of communism in action, and its flip side, capitalism. Eric will discuss the modern China's experience in communism: the backdrop, process, outcome, and the future. For the flip side, he will cover pre-communism China, contemporary Taiwan and the origin of capitalism--US and the West."

College of Complexes meeting # 1 
was on January 6, 1951

January 4
Open Microphone
Your Predictions for 2025, and Beyond
Meeting # 3,799 - contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to be a keynote speaker at this  meeting - cpaidock@hotmail.com or (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell

School districts will be pressured to incorporate loyalty in their curriculums
The first significant, irrefutable climate change event will take place
Another year will go by in which no one in the US is arrested for having engaged in a conspiracy
A computer for the first time will achieve consciousness, eliminating for more people any need to think
January 11
Why Conspiracy People Don't Know Anything
Meeting # 3,800 -  researcher and 911 debunker Bill Lee returns

January 25th
The Counter-Enlightenment
Meeting # 3,802 - essay on society by Robert Holland
The speaker states that "Human society is marked by continuous discontentedness with the conditions of everyday life. When dissatisfactions peak, movements arise that propose to either restore the past or progress rapidly to the next phase. Multiple doomsday scenarios identified over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries now cause many to repudiate the Enlightenment and seek to dismantle its cultural inheritance. The emerging Counter-Enlightenment signals a shift in deep culture as human history leaves behind the Modern Period."