Weekly Free Speech Forum established Jan. 6, 1951
College of Complexes
The Playground for People Who Think
sustaining the academic tradition of “One Fool at a Time”
Every Saturday at 5:00 PM CT
Dapper's Restaurant
2901 W. Addison, Chicago, Free Parking The next open dates are:
Tuition $3.00 and food/drink purchase Contact the Program Coordinator
if you would like to speak at
All meetings open to the public, no membership is maintained cpiaidock@hotmail.com (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell
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1 312 626 6799, 8 121 646 7150# US (Chicago)
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Upcoming Presentations:
March 1st
The Janus Face of AI / Artificial Intelligence
Creativity Unleashed, or Manipulation Amplified?
Meeting #3,807 – college a-v technician Tim Bolger
"Join Tim Bolger for a thought-provoking exploration of the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence. We'll delve into the cutting-edge advancements in AI and examine how these tools can be harnessed to fuel human creativity, from generating compelling narratives to producing stunning visuals.
However, we'll also critically analyze the potential for AI to be weaponized for propaganda, manipulating information and shaping public opinion in harmful ways.
Tim will draw upon historical precedents of technological revolutions, discussing both the immense benefits and the unforeseen challenges they have presented to humanity. This discussion will provide valuable insights into the ethical considerations and responsible development of AI in the modern world."
March 8th
Discussion about the Most Dangerous Film Ever Made!
“Salt of the Earth” (1954)
Which the Government Did Not Want You to See
Meetings # 3,808 - college regular Jonathan Barton
Official Limited Edition Trailer
Full Film free b+w
(1 hour 32 minutes)
The speaker states that "This remains the only film in American history when each stage of production and distribution was impeded by almost every level of the government, commerce, and even law enforcement. Many of the film's cast, crew, director, writers, producers (and movie theatre owners who dared to show the film) were completely ostracized from ever finding work again in the film industry, especially by the powerful Hollywood big studio machine .
Join us as we freely discuss, honor, learn from, and celebrate this timeless classic of workers autonomy, and remember the brave men and women who defied all the odds to make it . Made during the turbulent times of post World War 2, when McCarthyism was wreaking havoc against the U.S. Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights. It was when some of the most creative story tellers in America decided to stand up to the bullies of censorship and totalitarianism
“Salt of the Earth” is possibly the greatest underdog story that most of us don't know or have ever seen, a moving tale about ordinary, honest working folks who join together in an adventure that illustrates the potential of humans willing to say ''NO!'' as a united community, and their efforts to defeat the corporate giants who presume the right to own our town, our labor, and our very lives!"
March 15th
Special International Women’s Day Speaker
Founding Mothers Movement
Meeting #3,809 - Rev. Laura M. George, J.D., Executive Director
“Our purpose is two-fold: Empower Women and End War. It is that simple.
The evolutionary impulse supports an upgrade to the human experiment.
Unless we collectively progress into a future that works for ALL, we will lose civilization.
We are determined to do what has NEVER been done before. We are uniting people around the globe to shift the paradigm. We the People possess the consciousness and technology to attain what our ancestors could not achieve: Partnership and Peace. Solving the other issues of the polycrisis will then be possible, including protecting our precious planet and ensuring ethical AI.
Pregnant Earth
Our first task is to build a planetary coalition for Partnership and Peace. Our second goal is to grow our global Women’s Congress and publish the Founding Mothers Proclamation. Then in 2025, the Founding Mothers will commence international, nonviolent campaigns to accomplish our humanitarian objectives.
Throughout this journey together, we will demonstrate courage, wisdom, persistence, and patience. We will trust our partners and maintain faith that our cause is virtuous and for the benefit of ALL.”
And register for the Women’s Congress TODAY
March 22nd
Open Microphone - with 3 Keynote Speakers on the topic of
What Can You Do Today to Make the World a Better Place?
All in attendance will be afforded time at the microphone to present their suggestions
Meeting #3,810 - Robert Lichtenbert, Ernie Norman, Eric Mao
March 29th
The Wealth of Worlds
Where We are and Where we are Heading in the World of Wealth -
and Who is on top
Meeting #3,811 - Eric Mao presents another detailed socioi-economic analysis
April 5, 12, 26
Meetings # 3,812+ contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock if you would like to speak at
Special Earth Day Speaker
April 19th
Quiz to See if You have a Green View of Politics
15 Questions and Answers to See if You are a Friend of the Earth
Meetings # 3,814 - Charles Paidock, Secretary, Chicago Greens
College of Complexes
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